This website is a portfolio of my work.

When designing this website, I used iPad as the default. The layout may be slightly different on other devices.


I have always had a connection with pencils and all kinds of art supplies. For me then the only viable option was to follow training courses in te arts. At the Haspengouwse Academie voor Beeldende Kunst ( H.Academie of fine Arts ), I took five years of 'Painting' and then four years of 'Monumental Art'.

I find it difficult to write about my work, which led me to ask my teacher. This is what he wrote :


At the crossroads of reason and emotion

The art that Cees uses stems from the quest for an alternative form of communication. Is he now, as an addult artist, perfecting a quest that he first set out on as a child. Cees's work balances on the common ground between design/form and visual art/painting.

An illustration of this is a work consisting of a series of square white paintings. On the canvas there is nothing more to see than a thin layer of paint. It's only when looking very closely that you can see that there is something in every piece that is not quite right. It is the pieces of the frame itself that keep the canvas from being perfectly square, in that way perpetuating the imperfection.

This is how Cees subtly casts doubt on the basic form of the painting. As an observer, your confidence begins to waver as a result. Is this an object or a painting ? There is something fascinatingly enigmatic about that imperfection. And what about the romantic notion of an artist who lays his soul bare for all to see ? Is there a deeper meaning ?

As instant images ( images intended to be understood in a single glance ), they only work the first time around. But you immediately sense that there is more behind the scenes. Something isn't quite right and a discord arises beteen your feelings and your reason.

This art is the art of a researcher, of a passionate person who creates art that is closer to reality. It is because they, as objects, are able to penetrate real space.

Geert Malchair; Master of Arts




Exhibitions related to the Haspengouwse Academie voor Beeldende Kunst :


                    -  Monumentendag Zoutleeuw
                    -  Hond en Kunst, Lionsclub Sint-Truiden
                    -  Eindejaarstentoonstellingen
                    -  Stoelenproject met handelaarsvereeniging Sint-Truiden
                    -  Bibliotheek Sint-Truiden te gelegenheid van de gedichtenwedstrijd
                    -  and more


Group - exhibitions


                   -  EXIT 2008      Cultureel Centrum 'de bogaard', Sint - Truiden     06.06 - 22.06.2008
                   -  PROEF           'tGalerietje,  Sint - Truiden             06.03 - 21.03.2010
                   -  RE:Conserve#2   Mijnsite Beeringen - be-mine, Beeringen    09.09 - 11.11.2011
                   -  TIJD         Nieuwstadstraat 12,  Bree            28.09 - 09.10.2014       













Last updated : X - 2023